Friday 23 September 2016

China keeping a close watch on India’s interest on Baluchistan and Vietnam

While Indian PM Narendra Modi belligerently launched a protest against Pakistan over the atrocities against Bloch people, Chinese has broken an eyelid for sure. Chinese officials are evidently not amused over the PM’s comments on India’s 70th Independence Day from New Delhi. It is clear according to political news in Hindi that the Chinese don’t take the comments too lightly as India has recently signed an historic deal with Iran for Chabahar Port and with Vietnam for BRAHMOS missiles. China is involved in Baluchistan as a partner through its strategically designed CPEC operations.

Why China is wary of India’s rise as a global power?

China clearly thinks India is the new USA pawn.

The first big thing about India in Baluchistan. For the first time since independence in 1947, India has forged a rock-solid economic and social platform to engage USA in its infrastructure and military expansion. Pakistan has failed to grab the F16 deal, and it is a clear sign that USA favors India over Pakistan now. India’s friendly relationship with both USA and Russia is a hay stick poking Chinese attention, as both nations are sworn enemies since ages.

Chinese united with Pakistani cause

India-China is not as strong as China-Pakistan relationship, thanks to the border issues and Tibetan government challenges. India has been a consistent supporter for freedom of Tibet, even going a step ahead and accommodating Dalai Lama in exile. Many experts consider this as the major reason for the 1962 war.

When India rakes in the Baluchistan issue internationally, the Chinese connect instantly to the Pakistani cause, irrespective of the fact that their able ally are engaged in atrocious human rights violations and election discrepancies. The AkbarBugti murder case is a simmeringissue that continues to blow hot every time Pakistani government assures international bodies about everything is hunky-dory in the Baloch region.

The Kashmir connection

The Chinese are offended at Modi’s Baluchistan freedom struggle comments as it has invested over $50 billion in CPEC, which connects the Xinjiang province with Pakistan’s Gwadar Port in Sindh region. The CPEC passes through the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, which means that the Indians are bound to be interested in disrupting the developments. The CPEC has fueled similar protests in POK as in Baluchistan where the natives are blaming the Chinese and Pakistani officials of harming the environment and engaging in human rights violations.

Chinese fears the freedom struggle of Baluchistan will grow like a wildfire and spread to Gilgit-Baltistan and POK. Once India gains confidence of raising the issue internationally, the CPEC operations in POK will be on the backburner costing billions on Chinese exchequer.

South China stability

China clearly rejects India’s entry into South East Asian territories trying to displace Chinese trade. The Chinese have objected to India drilling oil wells in Vietnam, in addition to selling BrahMos which is a big strategic move against Chinese control on South China Sea (SCS).

According to latest live Hindi News, India’s growing trade relations with Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnamis a symbolic warning that Chinese identifies as directly conflicting with its control on SCS.

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