Thursday 30 June 2016

Shortage Of Women Candidates In State Polls A Matter of Concern

On 8th May, International Mother’s Day celebrated all over the world saw large numbers of messages dedicated to mother. Unfortunately, these messages of women empowerment are not reflected in the political scenario of India even till date. According to Hindi News Online, hardly 10% of women candidates are contesting in the current elections across the four different states. In states like Kerala, Assam and West Bengal, the numbers of women contestants have almost become stagnant. On the contrary, in the state of Tamil Nadu, the numbers of women contestants have almost doubled. In the last assembly polls, the percentage of women contestant was about 6% and the percentage has risen to about 11% this year.

It is true that the chief minister of Bengal is a woman, but leaving aside that fact only 10% of political tickets was given to women in 2016. The same situation can even be witnessed in Kerala, where less than even 6% of women contested in the elections. In 2011, both these states almost had the same percentage of women candidates in the state election. As far as, Assam is concerned, it has improved its marginal tally, and the percentage of women candidates has risen from 8% to 9%.

In 2011, despite the participation, the percentage of women winning in all these four states was very low and depressing. Only 9% of women won the elections, as per the records of the National Election Watch. Out of 285 seats in Bengal, only 33 seats were won by women, which amount to approximately about 12%. In Assam, the results were poorer because only 11% of women won seats out of 126. The percentage was even lower in the state of Tamil Nadu, whereby only 7% of women candidates won while in Kerala, the percentage of win was only 6%.

The influence created by the women voters is largely reflected in the promises made by the parties, be it maternity benefits, prohibition and even pension schemes. The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu promised to increase the financial assistance recently under a maternity scheme. It was declared that the amount will be increased from Rs 12, 000 to Rs 18, 000. Women will also get subsidy for buying scooters and special training will be provided them for learning to ride. Live Hindi News states, Mamata Banerjee had promised a pension scheme in Bengal and claimed to increase the numbers of police professionals.

In some states, the numbers of women voters outnumber the male ones. States like Rajasthan, Bihar, Odisha, Punjab, Uttarakhand and Tamil Nadu have witnessed a rise in the female population. Different political parties claim that they are actively wooing the women voters. It was evident in 2014 when the percentage of women voters rose from 55% to about 66%. This can work as a positive point for most of the states to encourage women not only to vote, but also to contest in the elections and win the race against male voters. 

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