Tuesday 7 June 2016

Trending Political News - Prime Minister Pays Homage To Dr Ambedkar

On the 125th birth anniversary of Dr, Bhimrao Ambedkar, the Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi paid a homage in New Delhi and said that he was not only the architect of the Indian constitution, but also a ‘Vishwa Manav’. He devoted his life to the service of the marginalized and poor. Prime Minister tweeted and said that he always believed in the power of education. The economic vision of Dr Ambedkar was completely unique because it laid a strong emphasis on the well-being of the workers and farmers. The main function will be held in the lawns of the house complex of the Parliament.

Live Hindi News portals covered up that in the main function, there will be several political leaders, and people from different walks of life. They will pay homage and floral tributes to the statue of Baba Ambedkar. In order to remember his contributions for the country, functions will also be held throughout the capital and other parts of the country. His contribution towards drafting the constitution of the nation cannot be forgotten. He is a prominent figure of the Indian nationality.

This day is being observed as the Day of Social Harmony. According to Political News in Hindi channels the Minister of Social justice and Empowerment, Thaawar Chand Gehlot congratulated different people on this occasion. In a statement, he said that Babasaheb Ambedkar was responsible for laying the foundation of the social reforms in the country. In fact, he laid in the true sense of the term, and therefore people should respect his effort by strengthening the social harmony in the country. This will turn out to be the greatest tribute for him in the years to come.

He played a major role in eradicating the caste system and untouchability from India. However, his efforts will be in vain if the country does not continue to follow his achievements. The question that arises in this context is whether India has really succeeded in prohibiting the thoughts of untouchability.

Previously, the Prime Minister compared Dr. Ambedkar to the iconic leader Martin Luther King. He was iconic of King Luther who fought for the oppressed. He also represented the voice of the marginalized. Modi even said that only talking about him in relation to India will be injustice done to him. He was indeed a great person who always stood against any kinds of inhuman incidents and behaviours. This was said while delivering an annual lecture on the Ambedkar Memorial.

Dr Ambedkar called not only called for the labour reform, but even thought of industrialization at the same time. Therefore, his contribution towards the progression of India cannot be overlooked. Even today, his ideals are considered as highly valuable and it is the responsibility of every citizen of India to respect that. This is regardless of any political party or ideals. It will be a big mistake to label him as only the voice of the Dalits because fighting the caste system was one of his many contributions to the country.

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