Tuesday 2 June 2015


There was a time when people strongly believed that “Democracy means Government for the people, by the people and of the people”. But our dear politicians have changed the entire meaning of Democracy. It would be accurate and apt if it’s called as a dictator government although a democratic country. Even though our country got its freedom from British rule, but our nation will never be free from corrupted politicians and bureaucrats. No department works without bribe. So much are the people used to giving bribe that the prominent persons who work in government departments have slots and accurate amount to complete certain work or to move the file from one desk to the other. 

The entire system is corrupted. Even if it takes a revolution, yet this parasite called “corruption and corrupted politicians” won’t be eradicated completely. Time and again so many sting operations were made against such politicians. Hardly anyone was banned from entering the parliament. It’s a pity. Even if all evidence which were procured proved right against them, these politicians would get the best of treatment in the jail if convicted. And the worst part is although knowing what sort of lot are the candidates contesting and campaigning, yet like people follow the same person and give the reins of our government for the next tenure. And keep blaming the government for not fulfilling their promises. How can they when they are busy going places and abroad for treatment at the cost of our taxes? And the worst part is yet to come. Any accident, incident, natural calamity occurs, the politicians are first to attend and represent for their attendance. Enchasing the situation for their vote banks. One such pathetic incident is when there was this Uttarakhand disaster in the year 2013 June. Here the son of a certain party president was not available and the relief materials didn’t reach the affected area and people because he couldn’t make it up and it had to wait until his arrived to distribute to the survivors. 

Kudos to such politicians. Look at the gimmick these politicians play. Each party brought back the stranded people of their particular area and constituency. Was it not a nation’s natural calamity? Which party has done a feed back or went to see how the survivors are living or has any solid and valid alternative measures being taken. So much tourism money keeps pouring into such places. Yet it is shocking and pathetic that humanity has been far forgotten. Every day we view the ongoing parliament sessions. Most of our leaders behave like street fighters. Uncivilized and using abusive or undignified language. Not taking into consideration that they share the parliament sessions along with women colleagues. 

The arguments are always heated when a certain grave incident occurs in the country. But can’t precautionary measures taken before hand? Why wait until some precious lives lost or property loss? Will some sensible politicians think about this? One thing seems a little squeaky. The mightier, powerful, financially sound has become the eligibility to enter politics. The sickening part is if the head of a state is convicted in some case and sent to jail, the wife who knows nothing about politics, RULES THE PARTY AND STATE.WILL THERE BE ANY MEANINGFUL AND SENSIBLE CHANGE IN OUR POLITICS?

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